Systems Engineer HPC and Scientific Computing 100 %

In Wädenswil, the School of Life Sciences and Facility Management operates a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. A specialist HPC team offers HPC services and support for researchers and students. The methods used in this “digital lab” increase steadily in importance and are applied to more and more areas in research and education.

School: Life Sciences und Facility Management
Starting date: 1.November 2022 or as agreed specifically

Your role

  • Conceptualize, develop, build and operate HPC cluster environments (Linux)
  • Design of architectures and infrastructure concepts, implementation and deployment in the context of an ever-evolving HPC infrastructure and service landscape
  • Configure and use modern management tools for system configuration (Ansible) and for the monitoring (Zab-bix/Grafana) of clusters, servers, storage and network devices as well as the workload management system (Slurm)
  • Fault detection, analysis and resolution, carry out maintenance operations
  • Develop and improve software (e. g. Shell / Python) written and used for the integration of services and soft-ware systems, contribute to the maintenance and continuous development of the “Scientific Computing Soft-ware Portfolio” (Spack)
  • Support users with using the cluster, getting their software up and running or developing their own software
  • Collaborate with teams of the department, the ZHAW ICT and partners to identify new requirements, develop and plan solution designs

Your profile

  • Graduation (BA, BS, MS) in a relevant field (e. g. Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mathe-matics …) or comparable work experience
  • Individual responsibility and initiative, ability for structured/documented working as well as a profound capability to work in/with complex environments/topics in an area where production-level quality is required
  • Independent conduction of projects in the field of ICT architecture and solution design
  • Deep knowledge of Linux as a server operating system, Linux fault analysis and debugging (RHEL or derived distributions beneficial)
  • Advanced knowledge of networks, in particular high-speed Ethernet (“fat tree” networks, bonding). InfiniBand network experience beneficial
  • Sound capacity for teamwork and good communication skills
  • Two or more years of experience in the field of design, build-up and operation of complex Linux environments in a professional field of application, ideally related to HPC/computing
  • Experience in support and advisory for users

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This is what we stand for

Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW is one of Switzerland’s largest multidisciplinary universities of applied sciences, with over 14’000 students and 3’400 faculty and staff.

Study and research in Wädenswil: practical, creative, passionate and reflective. Our expertise in life sciences and facility management in the areas of the environment, food and health enables us to make a vital contribution to solving social challenges and improving quality of life.

The HPC team offers HPC services as a “digital lab” to researchers, lecturers and students for computation-intensive tasks as well as support and adviroy in all HPC-related areas in research and education.

What you can expect

We offer working conditions and terms of employment commensurate with higher education institutions and actively promote personal development for staff in leadership and non-leadership positions. A detailed description of advantages and benefits can be found at Working at the ZHAW. The main points are listed below:


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