5th ISC HPC International Workshop on “Monitoring & Operational Data Analytics”
Following the successful previous editions initiated at ISC HPC, we are inviting contributions to the 5th ISC HPC International Workshop on Monitoring and Operational Data Analytics (MODA24), held (in presence) in conjunction with ISC HPC 2024, on May 16 in Hamburg, Germany.
The goal of the MODA workshop series is to provide a venue for sharing insights into current trends in MODA for HPC systems and data centers, identify potential gaps, and offer an outlook into the future of the involved fields: high performance computing, databases, machine learning, and possible solutions that can contribute to the codesign and procurement of future computing and data processing systems.
Website: moda.dmi.unibas.ch
Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=moda24
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moda_hpc