SPCL Distinguished Research Visitor Grants

Distinguished visitor grants are available to Ph.D. students, postdocs, and other researchers that are employed at another research institution during the period of the grant! Each grant will provide CHF 5,000 for a 3-month collaborative visit.

Every year, we will fund several collaboration grants for visiting SPCL. The students/researchers and their local hosts should prepare a small research project for the stay. The SPCL distinguished visitor grant committee decides on the final allocation of the grants – based on the quality of the proposal and a technical interview of the visitor.

The funding for a 3-month visiting grant consists of a lump sum of CHF 5,000 which should cover all additional costs (traveling, housing, etc.) – as it cannot be used as a salary. The stay can also be extended to six months or longer in three-month increments under the same conditions. The objective of the visitor grants is to stimulate collaborations between SPCL and researchers at other institutions abroad.

The collaboration grant proposals are ranked according to the following criteria:

  • Scientific quality of the proposal
  • A technical interview
  • Track record of the applicant
  • Independence of the applicant
  • Current linkage of the applicant to the host research group
  • Possibility for a new linkage between research groups

The proposals are evaluated by a panel. They should have a very clear research hypothesis which matches the focal topics of SPCL with a clear approach and a realistic workplace leading to a significant research outcome and a top research paper(s). Each visitor is expected to write a final report in collaboration with the host, serving as a basis for future publication(s). Collaboration with home institutions is highly encouraged.

To apply please send a CV and brief research proposal (1-2 pages) to SPCL at spcl (minus) hiring (at) spcl.inf.ethz.ch and put the string “[VISIT@SPCL] ” at the beginning of the subject line followed by anything you like.

We also recommend getting in touch with SPCL scientists (see https://spcl.inf.ethz.ch/People/) to align on a collaborative research direction for the proposal.