PASC22 Spotlight on Global Storm-Resolving Models
PASC22 keynote presentation
PASC22 invites the HPC community to discuss how Computing and Data can be leveraged to serve All Humankind. In this vein, the conference is dedicated to tackling some of the biggest challenges facing humanity today. One of our focus areas is “Computing for Planet Earth,” and we are delighted to announce that Pier Luigi Vidale from the University of Reading in the UK will give a keynote talk on the state-of-the-art in climate research towards global storm-resolving climate models.
From High-Resolution to Global Storm-Resolving Models: Achievements and Perspectives
The increase in availability of high-performance computing has enabled global coupled models to resolve some of the fundamental processes governing the climate system. More explicit representation of eddies in the ocean and of weather systems in the atmosphere impacts the general circulation and reduces inter-model disagreement.
More realistic simulation of the global hydrological cycle at resolutions below 50 km underpins more trustworthy projections of the availability of heat, carbon and water to land vs ocean ecosystems. Global “weather-resolving” models produce reliable global teleconnections that govern regional changes in weather and climate, including extremes (e.g. tropical cyclones). Resolving the ocean mesoscale produces “out-of-trajectory” future climates for Europe.
Global storm-resolving models now operate in the resolution range of 1-10 km, removing some long-standing errors in the simulation of precipitation (location, organization, diurnal cycle, intensity/frequency). However, uncertainties remain with respect to the adequacy of key parameterisations at such scales, motivating research on global cloud-resolving capability.
About the presenter
Pier Luigi Vidale is Professor of Climate System Science at the University of Reading (UoR), Director of the UoR–ECMWF research collaboration, and leads the National Centre for Atmospheric Science global High Resolution Climate Modelling programme. Pier Luigi has led large research projects in the UK and internationally, including the UK-Japan Climate Collaboration (2004-2007), and was Scientific Coordinator of the EU’s H2020 project “PRIMAVERA.” As investigator in the EU’s H2020 NextGEMS, he is currently responsible for identification and analysis of Tropical Cyclones (TCs) simulated by the new generation of global storm-resolving models (~3 km resolution). In terms of future directions, Pier Luigi is a member of World Climate Research Programme’s Digital Earth’s Lighthouse Activity, defining the nature and purpose of Digital Twins for climate.
Student Travel Grants offered by SIGHPC
We are pleased to remind you that SIGHPC will support four travel grants to enable undergraduate or graduate students to attend the event. In addition to the travel assistance, PASC22 will cover the corresponding registration fees.
Applications close April 10, 2022. Further information on the application process is available here.
Student Volunteer Program
If you are an undergraduate, master’s or doctoral student in computational science or HPC and you enjoy working in a dynamic and enthusiastic team, don’t miss the chance to experience the conference as a volunteer for PASC22. If you are selected as a volunteer for PASC22 you will receive complimentary conference registration.
Information on how to apply, and some impressions from volunteers who participated in previous years, are available here.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Sponsorship packages available for PASC22
The PASC22 Organizing Team is pleased to invite organizations from industry and academia to take advantage of a range of sponsorship opportunities for PASC22 that are suitable for a hybrid format of the event.
PASC22 – to be held at the Congress Center Basel, Switzerland, from June 27 to 29, 2022 – offers a great chance for organizations to gain visibility at an international level, to network with key leaders in the fields of HPC, simulation and data science, and to showcase research and development.
Kindly contact the Organizing Committee at to secure your sponsorship package!