Call for posters and registration: 43th SPEEDUP Workshop on HPC + Tutorial on hybrid MPI / OpenMP / CUDA, Geneva
43th SPEEDUP Workshop on High Performance Computing,
September 4/5, 2014, at the University of Geneva
The intention of this workshop is to present and discuss the state-of-the-art in high-performance and parallel scientific computing.
Presentations will focus on algorithms, applications, and software issues related to high-performance parallel computing. The focus of the workshop on September 4 will be on Multiscale Modeling. The scientific program of September 4 consists of six 45-minute talks and a poster session. Please encourage your collaborators to upload an abstract for the poster session. The deadline is Aug 31, 2013.
The invited speakers for the scientific program on September 4 are
- Laurent Debreu (INRIA)
- Alfons Hoekstra (U. of Amsterdam)
- Igor Pivkin (U. of Lugano)
- Diego Rossinelli (ETH Zurich)
- Martin Steinhauser (U. of Basel)
- Tim Warburton (Rice University)
On September 5 we will organize a full-day tutorial on hybrid MPI / OpenMP /Cuda programming. It will be taught by Gundolf Haase (University of Graz).
Details can be found at
Organizing Committee: A. Adelmann (PSI Villigen), P. Arbenz (ETH Zurich), H. Burkhart (U of Basel), B. Chopard (U Geneva), S. Deparis (EPF Lausanne), A. Janka (EIA Fribourg), R. Krause (USI Lugano), H. Nordborg (HSR), D. Obrist (U Berne), V. Rezzonico (EPF Lausanne), O. Schenk (USI Lugano), J. VandeVondele (ETH Zurich).