Workshop “Parallel-in-Time Integration Schemes”, June 3rd

We would like to inform you about the following event, that the Institute of Computational Science at USI Lugano organizes in the course of the HP2C initiative.

Workshop “Parallel-in-Time Integration Schemes”, June 3rd at the Institute of Computational Science, USI Lugano

With high performance computing systems featuring growing number of nodes, efficient strategies to parallelize all parts of a program become increasingly important. While parallelization in space by domain decomposition is already widely used, for a fixed spatial resolution this approach scales well only up to some critical number of processors beyond which the sub-domains are too small and communication becomes the bottleneck. Parallel-in-time Integration schemes provide an additional direction of parallelization, potentially allowing to reduce total execution time of parallel programs below the point where a pure spatial parallelization saturates. One algorithm from this field that received a lot of attention over the past years is “Parareal”, which has been successfully applied to a broad range of problems. The workshop is dedicated to the presentation of recent developments, advances and applications of “Parareal”.

The workshop will host four talks. We are happy to announce that three speakers have already confirmed their participation:

Prof. Martin Gander,     University of Geneva
Prof. Michael Minion,   University of North Carolina
Julien Cortial,                Stanford University

Registration for the workshop is already open »

The workshop is free of charge. Please note that the days before, the workshop “Advances in Computational Science” is also taking place at USI Lugano.