Tier-0 PRACE Call for Proposals

We would like to make you aware of the following opportunity within the PRACE consortium, with over 1.25 billion CPU Hours of allocatable resource on Tier-0 systems. If you wish to apply for a resource allocation under this scheme then please make sure that you can fulfill the necessary conditions including eligibility and the scalability and readiness criteria.

PRACE Call for Proposals Open until 23rd October 2012 at 12 Noon CET

PRACE – the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe – has opened its 6th call for proposals for large-scale projects of high scientific quality.

This call is for Tier-0 resources and has over 1.25 billion processor hours to allocate on the largest systems in Europe, with four of the machines available featuring in the top 10 of the current top500 list of most powerful supercomputers in the world. The systems available are two IBM BlueGene/Q machines at Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany and CINECA in Italy, a Bull Bullx cluster at CEA in France, a Cray XE6 at HLRS in Stuttgart, Germany and IBM iDataplex systems at LRZ in Munich and at Barcelona Supercomputing Centre in Spain. The Curie system at CEA in France also has 0.5 million GPU-hours of resource available in this call.

You can find additional documents by visiting the PRACE website »

Eligibility criteria for access to these resources are outlined on pages 4 and 5 of the terms of reference document.

The call for proposals closes at 12 Noon CET on 23rd October 2012.

Note that once you have read the documentation, if you feel that you have a suitable project proposal for Tier-0 resource allocation and wish to apply, then in order to begin the process you should visit the PRACE Peer Review site »