Slidecast 1/5 – Get Up to Speed with Cray XC30 Course

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre CSCS organized in March 2013 the course “Get Up to Speed with Cray XC30 Piz Daint”.

The three and a half day course gives an introduction to the Cray XC30 at CSCS, demonstrates how to get the best performance out of the Intel Sandy Bridge processors and shows how to take full advantage of the interconnect. Experts from Intel dive into the features of the Sandy Bridge processor and demonstrate the use of the Intel tools for generating optimised code and Cray specialists show how to use their set of tools and numerical libraries and how to take full advantage of the MPI libraries and communication strategies.

Cray XC30 Day 1 – Cray XC30: Architecture Overview

by Nathan Wikmann (Cray)

Cray XC30 Day 1 – Introduction to the CrayXC30

by Neil Stringfellow (CSCS)

Cray XC30 Day 1 – Cray XC30: Slurm and ALPS on Piz Daint

by Neil Stringfellow (CSCS)