Register to Scientific Data Visualization Tutorial – CSCS, Lugano

CSCS is delighted to announce its upcoming workshop Scientific Data Visualization Tutorial to be held from Tuesday, April 21 to Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at CSCS in Lugano, Switzerland.

This course has a strong focus on the open-source 3D scientific visualization application ParaView with a python-driven usage.

The course will start with a short introduction to matplotlib and numpy, then move to the VTK world of gridded data, describing the 3D data model and the VTK python environment. Most of the presentation will center on the end-user application ParaView and its python eco-system (pvpython, pvbatch, python sources, python filters). Time will be devoted to demonstrate parallel connections to CSCS’s servers to take advantage of GPU-accelerated rendering. The workshop will conclude with a complementary look at the VisIt end-user application with selected topics from previous SC conference tutorials.

The training will focus strongly on python driven interaction with the applications, but does not require advanced knowledge of python and numpy. Introductory notions of both packages will be sufficient.

Full agenda of the workshop and logistic details »