Register now: NVIDIA Co-Design Lab Workshop, 11. December, 2013 @ETH Zurich

NVIDIA Co-Design Lab Workshop, 11. December, 2013

The goal of this one day workshop is introduce the lab and it’s services, offer a platform to exchange success stories and best practices for hybrid multicore computing and to share ongoing GPU activities. The program is targeting both seasoned GPU users, as well as newcomers to accelerated computing, from ETH, University and beyond.

Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Venue: Science City (ETH Honggerberg), HPT C103, 9:00am

Presentation of the NVIDIA Co-Design Lab at ETH Zurich

In the following video Michele De Lorenzi (CSCS) and Peter Messmeer (NVIDIA) introduce the NVIDIA Co-Design Lab at ETH Zurich.


08:30 Welcome / Registration
09:00 The NVIDIA Co-Design Lab at ETH Zurich, Peter Messmer (NVIDIA)
09:30 The tale of Roofline and the 7 Dwarfs,Petros Koumoutsakos (ETH)
10:00 Seismic Structured Grid Simulations on Many-Core Architectures, Olaf Schenk (USI)
10:30 Break
11:00 Galaxy Formation and Cosmological Simulations on GPU, Romain Teyssier (UZH)
11:30 Weather Forecasting on GPUs, Oliver Fuhrer (Meteoswiss)
12:00 Lunch
13:15 Compute for Games, Adam Moravanszky (NVIDIA)
14:00 Simulated Annealing on GPUs, Sergei Isakov (Google)
14:30 Nanoscale Simulation at the Quantum Mechanical Level on GPUs, Ole Schuett (ETH)
15:00 GPUs and DCA+: A Match made in Heaven, Peter Staar (ETH)
15:30 Break
16:00 Visualization Software and Hardware for In-Silico Brain Research, Ahmet Bilgili (EPFL)
16:30 Discussion: Future Co-Design Projects
17:00 Closing Remarks

Lunch and refreshments will be provided courtesy of NVIDIA.