PRACE Summer School in Helsinki

CSC – the Finnish IT Center for Science and SNIC/PDC-Center for High Performance Computing at KTH in Sweden are co-organising a Summer School to be held in Helsinki from 29th August until the 1st September.

The speaker list includes William Gropp (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), one of the key authors of MPI (Message Passing Interface) programming paradigm, and Rolf Rabenseifner (HLRS), one of the most renowned researchers of hybrid parallel programming models. The course will include hands-on sessions using the Cray XT4/5 systems at CSC in Finland and the Cray XE6 machine at KTH in Sweden.

The school’s main themes are

  • hybrid MPI and shared-memory programming
  • advanced MPI techniques and hybrid MPI
  • CUDA programming
  • additional lectures in topics such as python in HPC and low-level serial optimisation.

For further details see »

Eligibility – PRACE seasonal schools attendance is free for all academic researchers affiliated to PRACE member countries (N.B. Switzerland is a PRACE member country).