Invitation – CADMOS Day – June 11, 2015, EPFL

CADMOS, the Center for Advanced Modeling Science, will soon celebrate its fifth birthday.

To present the research over the past year, we are pleased to invite you to the

                                                       CADMOS DAY                     
                              “Modeling, Simulation and Large Data”  

to be held on June 11, 2015 at EPFL, Auditory ELA1.

Registration deadline : Tuesday June 2, 2015.

The workshop is free but registration is requested.

We look forward to seeing you at this event.


09:00 Opening Professors B. Chopard, UNIGE and J. Hesthaven, EPFL
09:15 Keynote U. Ruede, University Erlangen-Nuremberg
10:00 J. Latt, UNIGE
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 F. Nobile, EPFL,
11:30 D. Gfeller, UNIL
12:00 Keynote H. Herrmann, ETHZ
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Keynote A. Stamatakis, University of Heidelberg
14:30 N. Salamin, UNIL
15:00 Claudio Quilodran, UNIGE
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Keynote : F. Kaplan, EPFL
16:45 Remarks and Closing