hpc-ch forum on “Cloud and Containers”

Dear members and guests of the hpc-ch community,

We invite you to submit your presentation and register for the hpc-ch forum on “Cloud and Containers”, which will take place on Thursday, May 16th, 2019 at the University of Basel.

We are also delighted to invite you to a community dinner, generously sponsored by sciCORE, to be held on Wednesday, May 15th, 2019.

Cloud and Containers


hpc-ch forum on Cloud and Containers
Thursday, May 16, 2019
University of Basel
Pharmazentrum Hörsaal 2
Klingelbergstrasse 50/70



The HPC landscape changed enormously over the last years; traditionally, it was led by computational physics, chemistry and other disciplines requiring huge processing performance and running on large number of nodes. Nowadays more and more scientific disciplines need computing resources and introduce new requirements for the HPC environments. Many of these new applications necessitate only a fraction of one compute node for a short time while others need more powerful nodes than those regularly available. At the same time, software development and distribution increasingly develop towards portable virtualization technologies required for research reproducibility, and scientists rely more and more on containers to run their experiments. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) addresses many of the requirements needed by the researchers of the different scientific disciplines. In this context, OpenStack one of the leading open source IaaS platforms, support virtualized infrastructures, bare-metal infrastructures, GPU devices, I/O virtualization, and containers orchestration.

In this forum, we would like to explore how system architects and system managers can build HPC environment on top of IaaS infrastructures like OpenStack.

Key Questions

  • What are the differences between traditional HPC clusters and IaaS cloud based HPC clusters?
  • What are the advantages and the limitations of HPC infrastructures built on top of OpenStack?
  • How to handle big data in an OpenStack environment in term of scalability, confidentiality and performance.
  • How to deploy containers (docker, singularity, …) on OpenStack
  • What is the overhead of the virtualization, how does this affect the performance on the CPU, on the I/O or on the network. Which workloads/processes are affected?
  • How to deploy and manage the containerized applications. Which automation tool fills the requirements, kubernetes, ansible, mesos. …?
  • What are the new skills needed by the system administrators and the users to work on these environments?
  • How to best share the knowledge between the different HPC centers?


Member presentations are essential for our forums!
If you are willing to contribute with a short presentation (30 min including Q & A), please inform Raluca Hodoroaba, by indicating the title and giving a short abstract of your presentation.


The forum provides open discussion for the exchange of new ideas among researchers and practitioners working across various aspects of computer science relevant to the HPC clusters and infrastructures.

Please note the full program will be available towards the end of April. You can access the preliminary program by clicking here. Meeting material will be uploaded on the forum webpage after the event.


To confirm your attendance, please submit the registration form no later than Monday, May 6, 2019.

Click here to register now.

If you cannot attend yourself, please consider sending a representative of your organization.


A community dinner, generously sponsored by sciCORE, will be held on Wednesday, May 15th, 2019 at the historic Restaurant Löwenzorn, located in the old town.

Restaurant  Löwenzorn
Gemsberg 2/4
4051 Basel

Participation is free of charge, but registration for this specific event is mandatory. Forum participants who are willing to take part to the social dinner have to select this option during registration; availability is limited, so that early booking for the dinner is strongly advised.


Click here for further details on this forum.