hpc-ch Events in 2011

We are happy to announce the events of the hpc-ch community for the year 2011. Like in 2010 we will organize two Forums where we will discuss important topics for our community. Both topics have been selected by the community representatives during the last Forum on parallel file systems for HPC hosted by ETH Zurich.

The first Forum on Scheduler and Queuing Systems will be hosted by PSI Paul Scherrer Institut in Villigen (next to Baden). Our colleagues from PSI (thanks Derek!) promised to organize a visit to their research infrastructure (possibly the Swiss Light Source SLS).

The second Forum will be dedicated to the Use of GPU and Accelerators for HPC and will be hosted by the University of Basel. Again we will have to possibility to have look to the research activities of the university.

The community representatives will receive in due time by e-mail a Call for Presentations and Participation to each Forum.

We would also like to remember you an additional possibility to meet during the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland (registrations are already open).