First CHRONOS Call for Proposals


CSCS is pleased to announce the first CHRONOS Call for Proposals. CHRONOS is a new annual CSCS call for proposals that focus on compute-intensive, high-impact research in any field of science.

Researchers from universities and research institutes are eligible  to apply. CHRONOS proposals can be awarded for 1-, 2- or  3-years of compute time on Piz Daint, a massively parallel hybrid supercomputing system based on Intel processors and NVIDIA GPUs. This system is currently under revision (upgrade) and will be fully available before the first allocation period starts on April 1, 2014.  No other compute platforms will be made available to CHRONOS proposals.

You are eligible to apply for allocation under the CHRONOS call if

  • you need and are certain to use more than 30 Mio core hours / year on the Cray XC30, “Piz Daint”
  • you have a specific scientific problem and a solution that justify the required resources

Projects that can already make use of the GPUs or projects with a clear development plan to use GPUs are strongly encouraged.

Details on how to prepare the project proposal and how to apply are available on our webpage on CHRONOS »

The deadline for the submission of CHRONOS Project Proposals is October 11, 2013.