Best Practices for ParaView at CSCS – Webinar

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre is pleased to announce the webinar “Best Practices for ParaView at CSCS,” which will be held online on Thursday, July 9, from 10:00 to 11:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time).


In this webinar we will discuss the new features available in ParaView 5.8, the procedures for connecting to CSCS machines from remote desktops, and provide some tips and tricks about data I/O and the use of Python to drive both interactive and batch sessions. The webinar will include interactive live demonstrations and will be an opportunity for you to ask questions not just about ParaView, but about 3D scientific visualisation in general.

Instructor: Dr. Jean M. Favre

Date and Time

July 9, 2020, from 10:00 to 11:00 (Zurich time)

Webinar connection details

Webinar link:
Webinar ID: 966 2675 6977
International numbers available: