Bellatrix Day @EPFL: HPC benefits and critical aspects

Dear HPC enthusiasts,

Bellatrix is the new EPFL computing cluster managed by DIT.

To mark the imminent production start of this new machine, a joint Dell-Intel-EPFL event  will take place on

Thursday, December 6th
High Performance Computing: benefits and critical aspects

Power provisioning and energy consumption become major challenges in the field of high performance computing in several sectors from Education to Research, from Banking to Pharmaceutical.

EPFL, together with Dell and Intel, will guide you in a journey through the advantages and critical implementation aspects of HPC.

In particular, the researchers from EPFL will present their current work and use of the Bellatrix HPC Cluster.

You are welcome to attend the entire event or only the presentations of your interest.

The event is free of charge but registration is mandatory.

Vittoria Rezzonico looks forward to meet you at the event!


08h45 – 09h15 Registration and welcome coffee

09h15 – 09h30 Introduction (EPFL)

09h30 – 10h00
Enabling Discovery with Dell HPC Solutions (DELL)

10h00 – 10h25
Compute your way into an Energy Efficient Eco-System (DELL)

10h25 – 10h40 Coffee break

10h40 – 11h10
Emerging HPC Architectures – where next for compute? (INTEL)

11h10 – 11h40
Even greener: roadmap and fine controls for better energy efficiency on multi-purpose CPUs (INTEL)

11h40 – 12h00
Integrating HPC solutions (SERVIWARE)

12h00 – 13h00 Lunch break

13h00 – 13h30
The “Big Data” challenge (DELL)

13h30 – 13h50
The Bellatrix Project: a step towards more efficient computing (EPFL)

13h50 – 14h10
Energy-to-Solution: a today’s metric for tomorrow’s concerns (EPFL/CADMOS)

14h10 – 14h30 Coffee break

14h30 – 16h30 The point of view of Academy

  • The Materials Genome initiative: unleashing the power of high-throughput calculations for materials design and discovery (Prof. Nicola Marzari)
  • Crunching more numbers (Dr. Thorsten Kleinjung)
  • Computational Materials Design (Prof. William Curtin)
  • HPC for blood flow simulations (Dr. Simone Deparis)
  • Understanding the large scale structure of the Universe (Prof. Jean Paul Kneib, LASTRO)

16h30 – 17h30 Guided tour of the EPFL Datacenter

17h30 Cocktail / Apéro