HP2C – Call for Focused Projects on Risk Analysis for Global Challenges

The High Performance and High Productivity Computing Platform (HP2C) invites the submission of proposals focused on applications of high performance computing to risk analysis for global challenges.

These projects should focus on advances in mathematical methods, algorithms and computational techniques to better exploit next generation supercomputing platforms for the analysis and forecast of global challenges, including climate change, regional weather prediction, natural hazards, but also social challenges like major disruptions in financial markets. Given the short duration and the limitation of budget, projects are expected to focus on methodological development and testing to prove the feasibility and impact of the new methods proposed. Projects focused merely on methods and algorithms for current low-end computer platforms will not be supported.

Projects will be developed by one or more groups in a Swiss higher education institution, in close cooperation with the HP2C core group at CSCS and USI, which will provide scientific computing expertise (computational mathematics and computer science). The application developers from the project will also have access to the prototype computing hardware operated and maintained at CSCS.

Applicants are requested to notify their intention to submit an application by August 31, 2010. Complete project proposals must be submitted by September 15, 2010.

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